Learnings from iHAC second and final call
Learnings from iHAC second and final call for stakeholder collaboration – Outcome, impacts, learnings and reflections from Call 2 has now been collected in a report.
The iHAC subprojects have successfully completed their activities, conducted their final reporting and taken part in a network event to share knowledge. The main findings have been collected in a concise PowerPoint report, which is now available for download.
iHAC project managment is greatful for the efforts made by all actors, it is clear that ecosystem componants of communication and knowledge sharing, shared and common goals to secure trust are essential to succeed. In addition we want to stress the need for organisational readiness.
Finally we can conclude that network works.
We would like to congratulate all project for their successful completion!

Niclas Forsling
Project Leader
Centre for Rural Medicine, Storuman, Sweden

Bengt Andersson
Senior Advisor – Welfare technology
Nordic Welfare Centre, Stockholm, Sweden