Goosebumpify experiences of healthcare and care – Nordic Rebels and iHAC collaboration
During the last eight months, iHAC (integrated Healthcare And Care) has collaborated with Nordic Rebels to visualize the knowledge collected during the last four years of studies by Healthcare and Care through distance spanning solutions (Vård och Omsorg På Distans – VOPD in Swedish). Results from the collaboration will be premiered at Expo 2020 Dubai during the end of January to early February 2022.
The exhibition, produced by Nordic Rebels for the VOPD project, consists of a short film, actionable building blocks for envisioning the future of healthcare and care, and design concepts from students of Umeå Institute of Design (Sweden) and Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture (Finland).
Five life events
The short film revolves around five life events that provide a strong audiovisual narrative showcasing users’ experiences from distance spanning healthcare and social care services. Focus in the short film, as with iHAC and VOPD, is on citizens in remote and rural regions. Technologies lay the foundations for the short film, since they already exist to secure service bridging distances. The life events demonstrate that services provision, in remote and rural areas, through distance spanning solutions makes a difference in people’s life. Sometimes this difference is a matter of life and death, and sometimes this is a matter of users being able to connect to their healthcare or social care services when they are in need, or for a routine checkup. This viewpoint is at the core of iHAC and VOPD projects: technologies can help people in the Nordic region more actively take care of their well-being.
The exhibition to be displayed at Expo 2020 Dubai is only the beginning. iHAC and VOPD will be utilizing the short film over the coming years to spark discussion and creative thinking in how we can increase the accessibility and human-centricity of healthcare and care services through an integrated approach.
Nordic Rebels aim to goosebumpify citizens’ experiences of healthcare and care through design: when you see the life events, you will feel it. Read more about Nordic Rebels here