iHAC final conference – a celebration of 7 successful years of Nordic Collaboration

Mark your calendars for November 5th-6th, 2024, as we host our final iHAC conference –  “An end for a new beginning”. We will honor the milestones achieved through the “integrated Healthcare and Care” initiative (2021-2024) and the preceding Swedish presidency project (2018-2021) “Healthcare and Care through Distance Spanning Solutions” (In Swedish: Vård och Omsorg På Distans – VOPD).

Over the past seven years, our Nordic collaboration has paved the way for a new era in integrated healthcare and care, utilizing distance-spanning technology. By eliminating the barriers posed by distance, we’ve focused on delivering high-quality healthcare and care to remote and rural citizens—a mission that benefits not only those in rural areas but all citizens across the Nordics and beyond.

We have indications of possible ministry level participation at this conference. Stay tuned for more details and registration information, which will be available at the end of June 2024.

We are looking forward to meet you!


Niclas Forsling

Project Leader
Centre for Rural Medicine, Storuman, Sweden


Bengt Andersson_NVC - kopia

Bengt Andersson

Senior Advisor – Welfare technology
Nordic Welfare Centre, Stockholm, Sweden
