Fresh: new iHAC related research article published!

We are happy to announce that an article has been published, which has been initiated by iHAC steering committee. Professor Christine Gustavsson at Sofiahemmet University has together with Petra Dannapfel published: “Leaders’ experiences of successfully implementing health and welfare technology in sparsely populated Nordic areas”

The Article is based on the 12 semistructured interviews, made by iHAC/VOPD (Vård och Omsorg På Distans) in earlier work. By analysing the interviews, the research uncovers five pivotal success factors for Health and Welfare Technologies (HWT):

1. “Positive Attitudes and Understanding of Digital Transformation”

2. “Consensus on changing care delivery Through HWT

3. “Leadership and Organizational Readiness for Change

4. “Effective Feedback Mechanisms”

5. “Trust and Engagement in the Learning Process”

Year published: 2024
Author: Christine Gustafsson and Petra Dannapfel

“We’re elated to witness the recognition of our endeavors through iHAC and our earlier VOPD initiatives. Published papers serve as a testament to our legacy. Yet, as our researchers emphasize, further exploration with larger cohorts is imperative to validate these insights.” says Bengt Andersson, Senior Adviser at Nordic Welfare Centre

Bengt Andersson_NVC - kopia

“These identified critical success factors offer invaluable guidance for policymakers, healthcare leaders, and practitioners striving to seamlessly integrate technology into their systems.” says Niclas Forsling, Project Manager at Centre for Rural Medicine – Region Västerbotten.
