iHAC mid term review, December 2022

The Steering Committee of integrated Healthcare and Care – through distance spanning solutions decided in September 2022 to perform a half time project evaluation. LITH consulting were commissioned the task.

Below are the summarised main recommendations obtained during the review.

  • Both objectives should have their outset and focus from the citizen perspective.
  • Maturity and outcome/value-based health approach – how to apply outcome-based impact in organizations that probably is lacking digital and technical maturity.
  • Create future scenarios – ‘How the health sector from the citizen’s point of view would look like in the future (2050)’?
  • Sharing of health data across silos – showcases.
  • Focus and improve communication and dissemination of results from the iHAC project.
  • Stakeholder analysis for communication strategy.
  • Create events that can spread messages from VOPD and iHAC.
  • Consider how to create greater interest from national, regional, and local actors.

Final mid term review from 5th of January 2023 made by LITH consulting.


Niclas Forsling

Project Leader
Centre for Rural Medicine, Storuman, Sweden


Bengt Andersson_NVC - kopia

Bengt Andersson

Senior Advisor – Welfare technology
Nordic Welfare Centre, Stockholm, Sweden
