Outcomes from iHAC Call 1

Learnings from iHAC Call 1 – Project outcome, impacts, learnings and reflections from Call 1 has now been collected in a report.

The iHAC first call projects for integrated Healthcare and Care through distance-spanning solutions have reached a significant milestone. The projects have successfully completed their activities, conducted their final reporting and taken part in a joint workshop to establish impacts and learning. The main findings have been collected in a concise PowerPoint report, which is now available for download.

We would like to congratulate all project for their successful completion, it’s exciting to see the positive impact and knowledge gained from these efforts!

VOPD and iHAC Policy Brief: Governance for Integrated Healthcare Solutions

The new Policy Brief offers insights from the Nordic countries on how governance can drive the development of integrated healthcare and care services using distance-spanning solutions.

Learnings from iHAC second and final call

Learnings from iHAC second and final call for stakeholder collaboration –  Outcome, impacts, learnings and reflections from Call 2 has now been collected in a report.

An end for a new beginning – what is next for iHAC?

Thank you for joining us on November 5th and 6th to celebrate the end of our 7-year collaboration with iHAC final conference – “An End for a New Beginning.” Your energy made the event a success, with 93% of participants strongly agreeing it was worth their time.