Pre-conference schedule
Departure Arlanda Airport
10:20 Arrival Lycksele Airport
Bus from Lycksele Airport
12:20 Arrival at conference venue Folkets Hus, Storuman
Lunch at the conference venue
Day 1: 5th of November
Session 1: Welcome to the final conference – a journey to
a new beginning
Swedish Fika
Session 2: Demonstrating model areas for integrated Healthcare and Care with support of distance spanning solutions
Panel discussion – with stakeholders and actors who has transformed their service provision toward integrated Healthcare and Care supported by distance spanning technology.
We will delve into the core elements essential for establishing integrated healthcare and care services, with a special emphasis on catering to the needs of citizens residing in remote and rural areas. During this session, we will provide a platform for healthcare and care providers who have successfully implemented such integrated systems to share their insights and experiences.
By giving the floor to healthcare and care providers who have firsthand experience in implementing integrated services, we hope to inspire and inform others in remote and rural areas to go on a journey to a new beginning.
End of day 1
Evening schedule
Bus to Hotell Toppen
Mingle at Centre for Rural Medicine
Dinner at Hotell Toppen
Pre-conference schedule
Bus from Hotell Toppen to Folkets Hus, conference venue
Day 2 – 6th of November
Welcome to day 2 and summary of day 1 – Reflections by iHAC project manager Bengt Andersson, Nordic Welfare Center
Session 3: Distance spanning solutions in health care and care: Climate impacts and sustainability synergies
Rolf Elmér, Director, Nordregio will join the following panel discussion and there will be possibilities for the audience to ask questions.
Environmental impact is today a key factor in all development work, we hope to highlight if and how contribution towards sustainability can be achieved with integrated Healthcare and Care supported by distance spanning technologies.
The ambition is to stress the impact on different sustainable development goals, and how to plan service provision to contribute to sustainability.
Swedish Fika
Session 4: Knowledge gained and needed to facilitate safe, secure and high quality integrated Healthcare and Care
Discussion: What new knowledge is necessary to develop to obtain and maintain healthcare and care in rural regions? What is the next step? Where do we start? Who will start?
New knowledge and sharing new knowledge drives change. The ambition is to demonstrate what knowledge and how new knowledge is best obtained in fragile healthcare and care service provision environments, such as in remote and rural areas.
Further the session aims to establish why rural research and development in healthcare and care, from and in the rural areas, contribute to the future for the Nordics.
Final Remarks – Closing the conference, Swedish Presidency Programme of NCM and Henrik Moberg, iHAC chairman
End of conference
After conference schedule
Bus to Hotell Toppen
Lunch at Hotell Toppen
Bus leaves for Lycksele Airport from Hotell Toppen
Bus arrives at Lycksele Airport
Departure Lycksele Airport – Arlanda